sabato 8 luglio 2017

Bodybuilding allow you to lose weight


Each cardio activities, like running and use the elliptical, is indicated for weight loss, but to associate a job muscle strengthening will allow you to get more results . How to explain it?
More muscles are developed, the greater the amount of calories burned . For example, 500 g of muscle in the burn about 100 kcal.
The body-building will allow you to eliminate fat and not muscle.
To lose weight with the body-building perform resistance training : from 6 to 8 series, from 15 to 30 repetitions and short recoveries between a series and the other (from 15 to 45 seconds). Use a weight that allows you to gasp and perform all series and all repetitions. This workout should last from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The exercises allow you to burn more calories are functional exercises that use the large muscles: legs, back, chest, buttocks = squats, pull-ups, push-ups, bench presses and weight lifting ..


To begin, create the work sequences that combine 75% of cardio and 25% of body-building . After several weeks you can switch to 50/50. How to do? There are two possibilities:
The allocation is made on the length: for example, for a 1 hour, do 45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of body-building training session.
The allocation is made in the selection of exercises: for example, 75% of cardio and 25% of muscle strengthening exercises (circuit training type workout).

Attention, to get results, 50% depends on the sport, 50% of it from! Playing sports does not mean eating more with more sugar and fat. Physical activity does not justify overeating, so if you want to lose weight, you have to follow a healthy balanced diet (protein, vegetables, flour, 1/3 of each), eat fruit to make full of vitamins and eliminate snacks between meals. If you consume more calories than the body needs (about 2,000 calories a day for women, 2500 for men), physical activity will not be enough to disperse the unnecessary calories..

If you really want to lose your weight and get the body that you really desire go HERE

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