sabato 8 luglio 2017

Bodybuilding allow you to lose weight


Each cardio activities, like running and use the elliptical, is indicated for weight loss, but to associate a job muscle strengthening will allow you to get more results . How to explain it?
More muscles are developed, the greater the amount of calories burned . For example, 500 g of muscle in the burn about 100 kcal.
The body-building will allow you to eliminate fat and not muscle.
To lose weight with the body-building perform resistance training : from 6 to 8 series, from 15 to 30 repetitions and short recoveries between a series and the other (from 15 to 45 seconds). Use a weight that allows you to gasp and perform all series and all repetitions. This workout should last from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The exercises allow you to burn more calories are functional exercises that use the large muscles: legs, back, chest, buttocks = squats, pull-ups, push-ups, bench presses and weight lifting ..


To begin, create the work sequences that combine 75% of cardio and 25% of body-building . After several weeks you can switch to 50/50. How to do? There are two possibilities:
The allocation is made on the length: for example, for a 1 hour, do 45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of body-building training session.
The allocation is made in the selection of exercises: for example, 75% of cardio and 25% of muscle strengthening exercises (circuit training type workout).

Attention, to get results, 50% depends on the sport, 50% of it from! Playing sports does not mean eating more with more sugar and fat. Physical activity does not justify overeating, so if you want to lose weight, you have to follow a healthy balanced diet (protein, vegetables, flour, 1/3 of each), eat fruit to make full of vitamins and eliminate snacks between meals. If you consume more calories than the body needs (about 2,000 calories a day for women, 2500 for men), physical activity will not be enough to disperse the unnecessary calories..

If you really want to lose your weight and get the body that you really desire go HERE

Professional steps to lose weight

3. Physical activity, one of the most effective remedies to speed up metabolism

As mentioned above, next to the right diet, to speed up metabolism and speed up the process of weight loss you need to do even of ' physical activity . But what are the sports most suitable to lose weight faster ?

The race , the exercise bike and spinning - in general, activities that provide an aerobic work - are among the most effective disciplines to speed up your metabolism , as they allow you to burn a lot of calories , toning the muscles at the same time. Even yoga and pilates , contrary to what one might think, are two sports fit in such cases: it is not necessary to make excessive efforts to lose weight, just to dedicate right exercises. These two disciplines are two types of anaerobic work perfect to awaken a sluggish metabolism and to facilitate an easy and fast weight loss.

In general, however, any type of physical activity, provided that regular and consistent, is a great way to speed up your metabolism and help in the enterprise to lose weight . So let yourself be guided by taste and preferences in the choice of sports and make sure you practice them regularly: nothing will reward the most consistent and continuous commitment.

4. Speed ​​up the metabolism with natural remedies: supplements and herbs to lose weight

You can also speed up your metabolism with natural remedies . Supplements , herbs , teas and infusions are in fact other effective ways to facilitate weight loss, as they contribute to "wake up" ametabolism a bit 'too slow . There are many supplements and herbal medicines suitable for this purpose: the most effective products to speed up your metabolism mentioning ginseng , the club moss , and the kelp agar agar , a ' seaweed typical of the Atlantic much used in' Homeopathy .

5. Homeopathy is effective to speed up metabolism?

Although some are skeptical, it must be said that even the ' homeopathy can play the role of adjuvant in the fight excess weight by helping to speed up your metabolism in a completely natural . They are many preparations, pills and drops containing natural herbs and plants that can have a beneficial effect on digestion and reducing the feeling of swelling and heaviness . Always remember, however, that each of these remedies , provided it is effective, it must be accompanied by a healthy way of life, to intense physical activity and a regular and balanced diet .

Important*    If you really need to step up this i suggest you a professional help, to get you the body look you desire check HERE

How to lose weight, simple steps and more

5. Drink plenty of water and forget about alcoholic beverages and sugary!

Drinking plenty of water will help you lose weight in a hurry and support a detox effect, will make you feel more satiated. Always carry a small bottle of still water and do not forget, sometimes, taking a sip.

During the day you can also choose to sip lemon water (half a liter) will have a diuretic and draining, very good to help you lose weight quickly.

Say no with all your forces to alcohol and sugary drinks , they are among the leading causes fatness! If you just can not say no to a glass, perhaps on the occasion of a celebration, always choose a red wine glass .

6. Lose weight quickly, resting well

In order to lose weight fast, it is important for the body to function to the best of its ability and has the necessary strength to sustain itself . Good sleep is essential to recharge your body and reduce the levels of stress which inevitably lead to gorging.

A good night's sleep - the canonical eight hours per night - will help to activate the metabolism and lose weight quickly.

7. Brush your teeth after eating!

This simple trick, in addition to meeting the normal requirements of hygiene, it is useful to avoid to continue to overeat after meals. Just finished lunch or dinner, you run to the bathroom to brush your teeth! The flavor of the toothpaste in the mouth will help you take away the desire to re-open the last dispensation hour ...

8. Drink herbal teas to lose weight fast

Sipping from two to four infusions per day is a great trick to lose weight quickly. Herbal teas, in fact, have a slimming power, draining and cleansing , plus they help us to break the hunger.

Always remember, though, to not dolcificarle with sugar, honey or other substitutes! It is the aroma often bitter herbs to help the body detoxify, introducing into the body fluids entirely without calories .

Among the teas from Power slimming we remember the nettle , which is a great disinfiammante and natural diuretic that helps eliminate excess fat.

Even the green tea has a well-known slimming power: drinking it can help you lose up to 80 calories a day! It has in fact the capacity to act directly on the basal metabolic rate , helping him to take action and offers the sensation of satiety.

9. Do your shopping on a full stomach

It will happen for sure: go to the supermarket on an empty stomach and with a little peckish brings you to buy more high-calorie products, snacks and other junk that certainly will not help you lose weight fast!

Try to go to the grocery store after eating, in order to let you ride from the head in the choice of products to buy and not the stomach.

10. Do not eat in front of TV!

It is a mistake that almost all we perform: eat in front of the TV on . This bad habit leads us to ingest twice the food without even realizing it! Distratte from our favorite program, we continue to bring food to his mouth as a nice accompaniment to the images.

Take instead the healthy habit of eating at the table with the TV turned off before the program begins, then move to look at him on the couch. A simple trick but it will help you without too much effort to slim down more slice.

IMPORTANT: If you really want to lose weight in a healthy way CLICK HERE: BIKINI BODY WORKOUTS. They have a premium package with excellent results as you can see from their website!